Thursday, May 8, 2008

Malaysia Airlines: Everyday Low Fare

"I Fly with Malaysian Hospitality"

The latest announcement made by MAS CEO Dato seri Idris Jala has really brought about some "Umph" into our pocket. As a seasonal traveler I find that being able to fly with comfort, leisure, and a peace of mind is truly worth every cents paid.

Not only had price for commodity sky rocketing but the general market in Malaysia is really slow. Walk around any shopping malls, you will see that more and more people are window shopping rather than actually shopping. Needless to say, the rich are getting richer and the poor... well let's just say they aren't getting any richer.

So, this move by MAS have solved so many problems which I first had in mind. Bus takes forever and the location it travels to is limited, Taxi is for the insane or the lucky few, and Air Asia is well I wouldn't say they are the best but I believe they have plenty of space to improve. Thus, traveling in a 5 star cruiser while paying for a pinch of money? Why not?

With Everyday Low Fare, not only I spend 1/4th of the normal price but I also enjoy in flight meals, beverages, and a comfortable seat. Last but not least, I don't have to be pushed around by other unruly passengers. Besides, the stewardess/steward from MAS is incredibly friendly and helpful! I would give them a 10 thumbs up if I have that many a thumb! haha

Air Asia! When will you improve? flights delay and terrible crowd control .. it's not going to help you. Yes, your airfare is still lower but once the word of mouth spreads on how satisfied passengers are by paying a little bit more money to board MAS ... Need I say more? I've met Dato Tony before and He is a great guy with bright ideas! Honestly, I believe it is due to his management mishandling information and planing which is causing so much inconvenience to frequent flyers.

I am waiting and looking forward on how AirAsia will tackle this problem.

My Mission objective

Ok, due to our communications law and ethics here in Malaysia. I do not want to be politically "INVOLVED" because I do not have any interest in Politics. (Or else I would have contested)

So, My mission objective here is to Enjoy the little freedom of speech given to me by my beloved country. And to share about Malaysia's Daily's or "Hari hari" happenings.

Again, I do not have any interest in Politics or whatever they do. I also have no ill will towards the government. Therefore, by reading my blog you have unanimously agreed to waive any sort of Legal action against me. Thus, I the writer am not liable to any charges directly or indirectly.

Wheel Chair problem in Dewan Rakyat

Well let's put aside the name calling and all the comical acts of our beloved MPs. After all, we elected them there right?

I'm just sad that some MP who apparently have not enough empathy for others who are disabled. And instead I wonder why people are so angry at him? If I were an MP I would simply laugh and say "Are you jealous because you have to stand?"

Yes, I know standing up and reading the "Rukun Negara" is something we Malaysians should do with Pride and joy. Yet, why some MPs who represents the people aren't doing it? Really, if you think about it... They are the ones who debate and installs the "Law" and whatever legislation. And yet, they are doing something which is totally hypocritical.

Sleeping .... digging nose... digging ears .... listening to MP3 ?? who knows?... and the list goes on and on. And all this during an important discussion. Wow ... I wonder if they know they are on Live TV?

Back to the topic, Our Beloved Mps enjoys free publicity and I can't blame them! Because apparently they don't have much chance to be on TV to brag about their Achievements and how hardworking they are. So, making fun of others and calling names ... it's something they do for 15 minutes of fame every day!

Let's see some MPs who come on TV who are actually DOING SOMETHING for the RAKYAT and not because this MP has been making a "Friends" Drama on TV.

As for the MP from Gelugor, I feel proud to be him because even when wheeled chair and unable to drive. Turning up in Dewan Rakyat to defend the people's interest instead of "kow-tow" like some major parties we know. What else do I need to ask from an earnest hardworking MP like him? I am truly bless that in Malaysia we have people like him who would fight for justice instead of some crony representative with all talks but no delivery.

Hey even Pizza Hut deliver late we will ask them to compensate!

Hari Hari di Malaysia

Welcome to Hari Hari di Malaysia which means "Everyday in Malaysia" if translated directly into English. Why such a name? I guess, there are Malaysia Kini, Malaysia Hari ini, and etc etc. So, I don't want any copyright problems.

Besides, I live in Malaysia everyday ~ hari hari di Malaysia~ Of Course, I love Malaysia. The grass is so much greener over here thanks to our dear neighborhood owners bringing their pet dogs for a walk and shit anywhere they please. Next time when I see one, I'll definitely take a picture and post it here.

Of course, we have heard about Mr. Raja Petra for "seditiously" asking some prominent person to go to hell. Or did he? Perhaps, if he had said something like "Let's send the xxx murderers to heaven with a red carpet paved with xxx's Blood." Wouldn't that be more sarcastic? Besides, I'm quite surprised that Seditious Act 1994 can be applied just by implicating Murderers and not the actual person. Meaning, if the "person" implied isn't the murderer, why would the author be charged for Seditious Act? and isn't seditious act is something which "incites" and causes disharmony? How does sending a murderer to .... is considered seditious? *Hey next thing you know I'll be charged for seditious too ...* Please don't I am not as popular as Mr. Raja Petra.

Anyway, I do hope that Raja Petra eats something and stop hurting his tummy ... Besides, his wife already paid the bail. No point barking at the mountain, when you know you'll get nothing in return.

That's it for today and I'm Hari hari ! nice to meet you all ! XD